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HostNamaste KVM VPS

Need vps with 6 gb Ram, 2+ IP addresses

Hello everyone,
I'm looking for a long term VPS host that's reliable and has a great customer support.
By great customer support I mean getting a response within a few hours not waiting days to hear back.
Below are minimum specs I will need for my projects although they can be altered but I think these are good starters.
30 gb+ SSD, 2 TB+ bandwidth, 6 gb Ram, 2+ IP addresses
OS: not sure what is best to be honest
Do you know anything about vps hosting service?
Any recommendations of any kinds are very welcome.
Thank you all in advance


  • I usually don't recommend but you should 100% go with Ashburn vps. Customer support is responsive and helpful. If the client does not renew or does not cancel the server on time and it is canceled automatically, then according to the contract it goes into another status, to which we do not give such deferments and all other servers for this client will be blocked on the day the payment ends and after 3 days they will be deleted. There are clients with VIP and Reseller status for whom this does not apply.

  • VPS plans from and are solid and reliable enough to stick to.
    Their servers are fast and fully featured with everything needed to run professional websites, and security is their number one priority for all their customers.

  • Reliability has been 100%. There is not a better place to go than Slovakia vps. The people on the site are so helpful.
    The service has been very prompt and professional. I look forward to a long and fruitful relationship with them.

  • Uptime 100%, fast support team, fast servers - I highly recommend web host. Since I wanted to create a small food site, I required a very complex mechanism of ensuring that people know about my website and gain as much awareness as possible.

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